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Chronicle worked with the MH100 charity to support the Centenary Celebrations for Martlesham Heath.  The project involved collecting reminiscences from people with a connection to the Heath and it's history.  Stories were screened during the main celebratory event on the 8th and 9th July 2017 and it is hoped they will also form part of a legacy project.


As part of the activities, Chronicle also developed the Spitfire Story Trail for the event supported by a crowdfunding campaign and art exhibition to help fund the project. 

Martlesham Heath Centenary MH100

Jim Empson talks about the last flight from Martlesham Heath

Clifford Smith talks about the opening of the Post Office Research Centre (now Adastral Park)

Vic Skeets remembers encountering Douglas Bader

Stanley Chambers recalls flying Spitfires in WW2


Chronicle Digital Storytelling Ltd





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Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom.

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2016 Chronicle Digital Storytelling Ltd.

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