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Ruskin College Oxford

We have been undertaking a project on behalf of Exeter College and Oxford City Council relating to the former Ruskin College Building in Oxford. 


We are capturing some of the history of the College by collecting personal memories of people connected to the college to preserve the important role it played in the local community.


If you studied at the College or have a connection to it, we would very much like to hear from you!  We would like to interview people to record audio memories.  We are also hoping to collect any photos. 


In return you will have your voice added to the archives and receive a copy of your recording should you wish to keep it for your family.


Please email us to find out more.

Ruskin College Oxford
Listen to stories of Ruskin:

Here are some of the stories that people have shared with us so far:

"Stand and Stare" 

by Stephen Yorke

"Happiest Times"

by Lynn Hay 

"Babies of Ruskin" 

by Sister Bronwen Huntley

(Narrated by Helen Vanstone) 

"The Joy of Learning" 

by Paul Yorke

"Walton St Building" 

by John Fray

"My Experiences" 

by John Fray


Chronicle Digital Storytelling Ltd





Tel: 07752 191710

Location: Suffolk, United Kingdom.

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