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The Grieving Widow (March 25th 1936)

Here's the story of the photo:

Assassinated Statesman's Wife Breaks Down at Funeral.

Wounded when she places hand over Japanese Rebels Machine Gun


Mrs Haruko Saito, who was wounded in the hand and arm when she vainly tried to save her husband, Admiral Makoto Saito, 77-year-old Japanese Lord Privy Seal, from the rebels in the recent military revolution, broke down at the funeral of the assassinated statesman in Tokyo.

Several of her fingers where shot off when she placed her hand over the muzzle of the machine-gun the rebels were attempting to train on her husband.

The rebels thrust Mrs Saito aside and killed the statesman with a pistol shot.


Photo shows:  Mrs Haruko Saito breaks down at the funeral of her husband in Tokyo.  March 25th 1936.


Read more on Wikipedia here>>



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