South Norfolk Stories - Market Towns of Character
This project involved collecting recollections from the local communities of the four market towns of Diss Loddon, Wymondham and Harleston. We've collected over 40 local stories via a series of individual sessions to capture digital stories from the community.
Sponsored by South Norfolk Council, the project also involved the East Anglian Film Archive as a partner. The primary outcomes are to support tourism and local economic development.
Some stories from the project are also included below.

A short story from Annie Chapman about the annual tractor run in Harelston.
A remeniscence from Janet Carstairs about the last train to run on the Beccles Branch line.
Recollections of school days in Diss by Roella Trudgill
Julie Websdall recalled being dressed up for fancy dress as part of the Queen's Coronation celebrations in Harleston
Cecil Nicholls describes the former chain ferry at Buckenham
Silvia Nicholls describes a romantic birthday gift
You can see all the stories via the project websites:
Loddon: http://loddon.chroniclestories.co.uk/
Diss: http://diss.chroniclestories.co.uk/
Harleston: http://harleston.chroniclestories.co.uk/
Wymondham: http://wymondham.chroniclestories.co.uk/